Local Missions
Our mission is to spread the Gospel across the world and across the street.
Our Local Missions all have opportunities to serve in some capacity. Jesus gave us the perfect example of service, and we are called to follow in His steps, serving others, spreading the good news, and making disciples. We encourage you to join us in prayer for these ministries, and if you feel called to get involved!

Village Missions
Nearly 60 million people live in rural areas in North America. Village Missions seeks to reach these rural areas with the Gospel, and is helping churches in these areas not just survive, but rather thrive. Click here to learn more.

Tacoma Rescue Mission
Just this last year, the Tacoma Rescue Mission served over 300,000 meals, placed 581 people in stable housing, and helped 498 people receive jobs! TRM serves the homeless and hurting in Tacoma and Pierce county. Click here to learn more.

Care Ministry
The Care Ministry seeks to help the people within our body who are struggling with meals, firewood, and so much more. It is where the rubber meets the road in loving one another. Contact the church office if you would like more details.

First Light Child Sponsorship
First Light Child Sponsorship is a unique non-profit run by Paul and Tabitha Carter, members of Burley Bible Church. This ministry sponsors a group of nearly 50 children in Nepal, and 100% of the proceeds go directly to the kids. Click here to learn more.

Pregnancy Services
Pregnancy Resource Services offers hope by practical care, accurate information and life-affirming resources related to pregnancy, parenting skills, sexual and emotional health and abortion recovery. A ministry of life because of the life of Jesus. Click here to learn more.

Care Net
Care Net offers hope by providing compassionate practical care, accurate information, Biblical Truth, & life-affirming resources for pregnancy, sexual health & integrity, and abortion recovery. Click here to learn more. Locations throughout Pierce and King County.

Child Evangelism Fellowship
C.E.F. reached 25,182,420 children in 2019, through their Bible-centered purpose to evangelize children with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living. Click here to learn more about CEF. Click here to learn more about Kitsap County chapter of CEF.

Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread is a ministry that seeks to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. Their vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family. Spend time in God's Word today. Click here to learn more.

Camp Woodworth
Camp Woodworth, located in Lakebay, WA just 30 minutes from Burley Bible Church. It is ran and operated by the Shermans, members of Burley Bible Church, and its purpose is to provide a location to encourage, disciple, and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the foundation of God's Word.

Christian Law Association
The Christian Law Association provides free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition in one form or another seeking to retain the Christian principles this country was founded on. Click here to learn more.