Women's Ministry
Women's Bible Study Thursdays 10:30am at BBC
"This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person he puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." - Corrie Ten Boom
Women's Ministries
(Some Women's Ministries are cancelled until further notice due to COVID-19. Contact the church office at 253-857-6200 for more details.)
Women's Breakfast:
A time of fellowship & encouragement
When: On break until September
Time: 9:00am
Where: Burley Bible Church in the Worship Center Foyer

Moms in Prayer:
A time of prayer for and lifting up each others needs by fixing our eyes upon Jesus.
When: Every Wednesday
Time: 8:45am
Where: Burley Bible Church in the Worship Center Foyer

Sister's In Christ for Missions:
We meet for prayer, fellowship, and lunch, spending time in prayer for our church supported missionaries
When: Every Second Thursday
Time: 12:00pm
Where: Burley Bible Church in the Worship Center Foyer

Fiber Friends:
An opportunity to use your knitting, crocheting, and sewing skills to benefit others. We make various items for local child-centered charities.
When: Every Friday
Time: 10:30am
Where: Burley Bible Church in the Worship Center Foyer
Knowing God and Living in His Power
Ministry Mindset
We are here to encourage and equip you to be the godly woman that God has called you to be. We are ordinary women of all generations and walks of life who want to love and serve our Lord. So please join us on this journey we call life.
Our Community
Our community gathers weekly for time spent in God's Word, prayer, and encouragement with one another led by Christy Hagwell.
2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.
Where and When
Women's Bible Study meets every Wednesday at 10:00am in the Worship Center Foyer