8:15am - 2:55pm for 7-12th Grade at Miracle Ranch
8:30am - 3:10pm for PreK-6th Grade at BCS Lower Campus


Training in Righteousness since 1979

Call us at253-851-8619

General Information

√ Washington State approved

√ Preschool through 12th grade

√ Christian teachers and staff

√ Christ-centered academic framework

√ Small school – family atmosphere

√ Affordable tuition

Our Mission

Burley Christian School exists to provide children with a quality education from a Biblical Christian perspective that will equip them for a life of spiritual maturity and service to the Lord.

Our Classes

BCS welcomes preschool through 12th grade students and utilizes a combination of ACE and ABeka curriculum to provide a solid, well-rounded education.
     Students may be enrolled at any time during the year if there is space in the class.

Preschool (4 year olds) Tuesday & Thursday ~ 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Kindergarten (5 year olds) Monday – Friday ~ 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

All Other Grades Monday – Friday ~ 8:30 a.m.-3:10 p.m.



Preschool through 2nd Grade: Abeka
3rd through 12th Grades

Independent study utilizing Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) and classroom instruction (e.g. A Beka) with faith-based materials

Individualized program for High School, especially for students transferring in, to ensure appropriate credits for graduation according to Washington State standards

Bible class is taught daily to all grades. We adhere to the Burley Bible Church Statement of Beliefs.

Supplementary classes include music, art, PE, choir, foreign language (high school) and others



PO BOX 729, Burley, WA 98322



Email Heresecondarybcs@bbcol.org



Email Hereburleychristian@bbcol.org

Principal PreK - 12 - Dennis Myers
Vice Principal Elementary - Michael Olive

For Weather-Related School Closure InformationPlease call our office at 253.851.8619
or check the KOMO News website at komonews.com